But building a huge filter was a no go, it had to be small and very effective. This is where the Arlen Ness design artists started. Adding the inside surface of the air cleaner to the outside adds a huge amount of filtering area.
Fender / Fender Extender. K&N Universal air filters are available in round, tapered (cone style) and oval designs, for just about any special application.
Fit For Harley Sportster XL 2004-Up. 1 Set Air Cleaner Filter with Accessories (As Picture shown). Massive filter design & inverted filter top for more airflow. High performance black Synthetic air filter.
MV Agusta Brutale 990 R 10-11. Overall, BMC is known for producing high-quality motorcycle parts that are designed to provide superior performance and durability. BMC Air Filter FM499/20.